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Finally Caught Up!

Since March of this year I have been too busy to focus on artwork. Of course, everyone who doesn't focus on something uses that excuse. It may be a lame excuse, but its accurate. I finally got caught up though, at least until something else comes up, so I was able to get a quick watercolor in. I started this little (7½" X 5½") painting while camping near Guanella Pass and finished it in my humble studio. I am trying to improve my skills at using washes. I call this one Guanella Pass - quite original. I think it is the peak of Mount Evans that can be seen above the long sloping Mount Spalding. I completed this little painting pretty quickly, maybe 3 hours. It was based on a photo I took. The main focus was using light washes for the sky. I'm also trying to get these watercolors done more quickly. I am speeding up but I want to get a lot faster.

I started another watercolor after I was home, bigger in size (7¾" X 11"), but basically a similar watercolor painting and focusing on the washes. I hope to have it completed in a few hours too.


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