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More Washing

I spent probably three hours on this one. Much more if I include the time spent for the washes to dry, during which times I did other things. I applied washes for almost the whole painting, leaving out my typical detail. The sky took one wash of blue and then a couple of washes of gray, blue, and violet for the darker clouds. The gray mountains took two washes, the lighter green hills took a few washes and the closest hills took a few washes. The ground only two washes. Finally I added the fence and rocks, and added more value to various parts of the painting. I am not real excited about the painting (I think my composition was not thought out very well), but I am pleased about how the washes came out. However, in a recent article that I read the artist/author recommended only two washes, the first a light one, and the second a wash with the correct color and value. Finally add the detail. I think for this painting the only part that followed his recommendation is the detail. I am fairly pleased about how quick I got the painting done, but I need to speed it up more.

I am heading out for some plein air painting this week so I should be able to try some more washes on site with a goal of keeping the painting down to two washes.

This painting is called Geneva Park and is 11" X 7½".


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