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Progression of a Painting

On a suggestion from another artist (my daughter) I decided to post a journal of progression on one of my paintings. I haven't yet decided on a title for the painting, but the oil painting depicts a couple of backpackers and a dog watching a bull moose and an owl. The painting recalls a real life adventure I had with my son in 2006.

First I painted a wash for the foreground, close mountains, distant mountain and the sky. I didn't get a picture of that stage of the painting.

Next I painted detail on the distant mountain, the trees and rocks on the close mountains, and the foreground, including the darker area shaded by the mountain on the right. That is the first picture.

11/10/2020: About a year later I painted the clouds again to make them more brilliant. Then I painted trees over the crest of the foreground on the right. The tops of these trees are bathed in the fading sunlight of the day. That is the second picture.

11/23/2020: I started to add detail in the foreground meadow. All of this is from memory. When I was there is 2006 the forest had yet to be hit by the big pine beetle infestation. Likely a majority of the trees in this painting are dead. This summer and fall the mountain in the distance was burned badly in the Cameron Peak Fire, so this scene would look a lot different today (not to mention today (November 23) it's probably covered with snow).

12/9/2020: I added some young trees growing from seeds dropped from the fir tree in the foreground.

Next I'll paint the bull moose.

12/22/2020: I'm working on the two campers now. The moose and, probably, the lab are finished. I think the camper on the right needs a different pose, as he should be coming onto the scene, not already on the scene.

12/29/20: Adding more detail to the foreground of the meadow, added a hawk and beginning to change the people.

1/5/2021: I finished adding the two campers. I want to let the oil dry a few days and then add some detail. Then it will be finished.

1/29/2021: I added some detail and finished the painting (right). Other than my name changes are pretty minute, but I think add to the painting.


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