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I am taking a class with Dennis Pendleton via Zoom. This is my first experience with Zoom (its working very well). These are some pictures I painted outside of the class, but using the theme of the week's class. The Gateway painting used value studies for the theme and the still life used contour drawing. I found the value studies more helpful than the contour drawing, but both are helpful.

I like the class. We watch and listen to Dennis draw, paint and talk and then we draw, paint and talk, doing work ourselves at our locations. Dennis supplies a subject painting for each class and encourages doing a second or third painting of it as homework, but I try to paint something similar to his supplied subject but not the same while using the week's theme. These are my original homework paintings. We have four more classes.

The Gateway painting is 5"X7" and took about an hour and a half, including the sketches. The still life is 11"x7" and took about two and a half hours, including the setup and sketches. This is the first still life that I can remember painting. I painted it on a piece of watercolor paper I got from my late dad. The paper is probably 20 years old, and beginning to turn yellow on the corners - or maybe just dirty. It worked fine though.


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