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Snow in the Summer

I want to do a painting of some deep fresh snow in the mountains, with the storm moving out, leaving brilliant white snow and bright blue sky. The plan is to do a sketch, a study of two or three of certain aspects of the painting, and then a watercolor and finally an oil painting.

All of this in the middle of summer with 90° plus temperatures outside.

Pencil Sketch

1st Watercolor: Testing techniques for snow

I tested techniques for snow on mountains and on trees. It should look deep and fresh. I also tested a bit of gray clouds moving up the valley to the right.

It looked pretty white, overall, so I added some value differentiation to the mountains and clouds; and to the foreground and mid-ground. I also added a bush nearly covered in fresh snow.

I also got a photo of the whole painting and not just what would fit on my scanner.

Snow On The Needles (14" X 10")


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